Hotty Toddy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Instant Positive Response I.P.R.

Our new program we implemented this year is called I.P.R.  It is our mission this year to remain positive at all times.  Volleyball is a game of failures and the team that handles their mistake or failure the best will win the match. Our goal this year is not only to limit our errors, mistakes, and/or failures, but to deal with them the best when they occur.  When we see opponents who are frustrated, we like to jump on the opportunity to keep that player down or possibly make the whole team frustrated.

Each player was given a wristband that says Ole Miss Rebels on them.  Everyone started off with them on their left wrist.  Each time an athlete says something negative or complains, they have to switch their band to the other hand and their day starts over.  If someone else hears you complain, they snap their band, letting you know that they heard the complaint or negativity, and the person who was negative must switch their band.  The goal is to be positive for 15 days straight.  Each time you switch your band, a new 24 hours starts over again.

Along with staying positive, our players have come up with their own Instant Positive Response.  Basically, when the outcome doesn't go our way, instead of pouting and becoming frustrated, each player takes a deep breathe, says their I.P.R. and we move on.  We have had some very interesting I.P.R. and some we can't put on the blog, but examples of I.P.R. would be, Get 'er done!, It's Worth It!, You can do it!, etc...

I.P.R. has worked great so far.  The team is having fun catching each other being negative (which usually leads to a laugh and a "Gotcha!" and the team is being very honest when they become negative as well.  It is amazing how negative we are on ourselves.  The team, coaching staff, managers, athletic trainers, and strength coaches are all in on it!

Who will be the first one to 15 straight days?  You will have to keep checking the blog to find out!

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